Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Brief Description About Sugar Glider

Here is brief description about sugar glider, so you can know this animal in just 5 minutes.
  1. Sugar gliders are marsupials, same family with kangaroos and koala.
  2. Sugar gliders are nocturnal, so they are active in night and sleep during the day.
  3. Female sugar gliders have a pouch on their stomach, the pouch is a place to raise their babies.
  4. Sugar glider habitat is in the forest, their live in nest made of leaves in tree-hollows.
  5. Sugar gliders can glide up to 45 meters. Wow that is very high place.
That 5 brief description about sugar glider, I hope this information is useful for you.
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Friday, April 1, 2011

Sugar Gliders are Noisy

The first fact you must know about sugar glider before you buy a sugar glider is sugar gliders are very noisy. They can make barking and crabbing sound and they can barknig all night long. But the most condition of sugar gliders that can make a noises is when they are sick, mistreated, or distressed. If you find your sugar glider barknig all night long that can be your sugar glider feel loneliness. If that happen, just go meet them and talking or playing with them for a few minutes.
Sugar glider is like human children, they like to playing with toys, so don't give them a toy that can make a noise. You can give them a baby, cat, bird, or dog toys. I hope this fact about sugar glider can make you decide wisely to own sugar gliders as a pet. Many fact you must know about this exotic pet before you own a sugar glider.

This is a video of sugar glider barking

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