Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps) is a marsupial that can be found in Indonesia, Australia and Papua New Guinea. Sugar glider also included in the nocturnal animals, because they active at night and sleep in their nest at the forest during the day. They are omnivorous, usually hunt insects, small vertebrates and feed sweet sap of certain species of eucalyptus, acacia and gum trees.
The sugar glider male are larger than females, their lengths is about 24-30 cm from nose to tip of tail. A sugar glider has thick, grey soft fur coat with a black stripe that runs the full length of the body in libe with the spine. On their feet have five fingers with a claw in each finger.
Now, sugar gliders become popular exotic pets. As a pets, their are very playful and their are require a companion because they are social animals. They will bite if feel scared or frightened and also have sharp claws, so Sugar Gliders is not recommended for children pets.